Lighten Your Life with the “Finding Inner Peace” Program

 Learn how to make lasting changes that have the potential to impact the rest of your life! The purpose of the program is to move toward a life of authentic joy and fulfillment, not necessarily to turn your whole life upside down. Be kind to yourself!

Welcome to the A Lighter Life Program!

WARNING – this is not a superficial and fun program – we get right down to business!

There will be tears, and pain and a lot of growth. There will be real change and if you put everything into this program that you have – you will graduate in 12 weeks lighter and free of a lot of burdens.


Included Topics

Throughout the Course of the Next 12 Weeks You Will Be Diving Deeply into What Makes You Tick and Creating The Fundamental Changes You Desire in Your Life.

woman smiling
  • Control
  • Balance
  • Trusting the journey
  • Journaling and introspection
  • Finding guidance
  • Emotions
  • Letting go / Character traits
  • Taking responsibility / Stress
  • Goals / Sleep
  • Maintenance
  • Connection / Meditation
  • Being of service




Daily Communication (Value $175)

Modules (Value $6500)

Videos (Value $750)

Audios (Value $175)

Workbooks (Value $800)

Support Group (Value $1200)



Start Making Changes Today with A Lighter Life!


Sign Me Up Now!


Still have questions? Let us know!


We will learn where you are, where you want to go – and how we can help you get there.


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